We exist to create an optimistic future through K12 social impact programs.
As the education system unexpectedly finds itself in the position of needing to reinvent itself, the relatively new field of social entrepreneurship holds great promise as a pathway toward deeper learning, equity, and student agency.
Impact.Ed (formerly SocEntEDU) exists to create a world that is just and equitable through setting solid foundations for social impact based on explorations of identity, opportunity, and innovation.
We are a pluralistic-by-design community. Membership is selective, based on demonstrated commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, justice, and agency-for-all.
We model entrepreneurial learning in the way that we collaborate as a community of social impact educators.
We are committed to leaving the world a better place and empowering others to join us in that effort.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Join us for one of our Upcoming Events: January Impact Circle and a Book Talk in March!